The corn is now taller than me (6 ft) and the tassles are in full bloom. This corn is making me look like I know how to grow a garden.
The Zucchini is out of control. We ended up sending 6 zucchini's through the food processor for zucchini bread. Now we have several bags of it in our freezer.
The tomato plants themselves are growing super well, but the tomatoes haven't really taken off yet. I would assume they grow really well in the next few weeks. The broccoli and cauliflower haven't done anything yet. Similar to the tomatoes the plants are huge, but haven't given any produce yet.
The sod is still somewhat green. The area closest to the shed door is not getting enough water, needing more hand watering.
It's just too hot for Broccoli and Cauliflower, right? Cruciferous vegetables seem to like the cold more than the heat. Save me a piece of that corn!!
I see how it is . . . you get a NEW garden and then you just NEGLECT your old sod. Is this how you treat your botanical friends!?!
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