Sunday, June 28, 2020

Strawberries Week 2

After two weeks of growth and daily watering, they have grown like champs. Of all the roots/plants that were put in the ground, only one hasn’t taken. 🍓

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Strawberry Time 🍓

On a chilly June day (55 degrees), we planted Quinalt Everbearing strawberries from bare roots. We bought them from Amazon. From what I understand they are supposed to be planted during the spring, so I hope the abnormally cold June day will help them grow. 

The direction from the seller said that they should be planted in at least 30% sand. I grabbed some sand from the sandbox and threw it in liberally. I also think I planted them too close to each other. I’m just hoping they grow quickly and then I can transplant them to other areas. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Harvest Time

This is the fruits of the labor.
The HONEYSHAW seeds given to me by a coworker have been the easiest melons to grow ever! They were like the magic bean seeds that just grew and grew. I picked several of the melons, and this is what they look like. A canary colored melon with an orange center. To be honest, they taste like cantaloupe. My kids and my wife liked it! Success
I brought this into work and cut it up, as you fruit. Kinda tastes like cantaloupe. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Week 1 (kinda)

The peas are creeping up the trellis however we don’t have any pods yet, strange. 
After putting in the tomatoes 🍅 it got pretty cold and rainy for the last couple weeks. They definitely are not thriving, hopefully they make it. 

June 3rd we finally got around to planting the rest of the garden. We had to use a lantern because it was about 9:45 when we were putting in the last of the seeds. We put in corn, beans, cucumber 🥒, zucchini, summer squash, cantaloupe, pumpkin, and thanks to a coworker we tried something that I’ve never even heard of before. We tried honeyshaw. It’s a mix between a Crenshaw and a honey dew. I planted five mounds of the honeyshaw. Hopefully the melon gods smile down on us ☀️ 

Thursday, May 16, 2019

The tomatoes and peppers are planted. All but one of the tomatoes we’re grown in a coworkers green house. Everything else was bought at the local Home Depot.

It’s hard to see from this picture, but the strawberries are growing like crazy in the upper left of the picture. I had to move a few of them because they were creeping too far into the garden. I think I killed them all. I’ll keep you posted to see if they survive.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Backyard Landscape Project

After looking at our backyard by the shed, we decided that it needed some TLC
The project took some time because I had to run a whole new sprinkler line to the area.
It's done!
We put fresh new sod in, lined the shed with bark, and put paver stones at the door.
So much better!

Monday, August 7, 2017

Garden 3.0 (Week 20)

This is what happens when you don't prune your peach tree. It can't even keep it's little branches up (except for that one rogue branch sticking straight up on the right side of the picture) and it looks more like a bush than a tree. The peaches taste amazing though!

The corn is only a week or two away from being ripe, can't wait!

 We learned this year that we need to get larger tomato cages. The tomato plants are tipping over and the cages can't handle the weight. That's a good sign though that the garden is growing. Also, the green beans are out of control. They just keep producing. For all of you reading this post, come over and grab some.
I know we have had some people wishing that the little patch of grass would make a comeback...wait no more, here it is in all of its green glory. You're welcome Vain Janglings.